Career Development

Creative Problem Solving

The Creative Problem Solving course will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day. Skills such as brainstorming, information gathering, analyzing data, and identifying resources will be covered throughout the course.

Career Development

Communication Strategies

The Communication Strategies course will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit for any organization and its employees. They will trickle down throughout the organization and positively impact everyone involved.

Career Development

Building Confidence and Assertiveness

Confidence and assertiveness are skills that can be developed and beneficial to everyone, nomatter their career or job position. The Building Confidence and Assertiveness course willprovide participants with the tools to overcome fear, gain personal empowerment, and inspireconfidence in others. By believing in our potential and the positive changes that we can make,we are able to grow personally and professionally.

Administrative Skills

Supply Chain Management

With Supply Chain Management your company and employees will be on target to lower costs, improving efficiency, and increase customer satisfaction. This course will provide your employees with the understanding of how Supply Chain Management can improve and help almost any type of business.

Administrative Skills

Social Media In The Workplace

Understanding Social Media is about communicating the right way. We are beginning to communicate more through electronic means than face to face. Talking on a phone has been replaced more and more with SMS (texting.) Social media channels are becoming the main form of communication and your participants will realize how Social media and the Workplace can work together.

Administrative Skills

Organizational Skills

Through Organizational Skills your participants will encounter improved productivity, better management, and an overall increase in professional growth. Every day people waste numerous amounts of time looking for items. So stop looking for those important items, and start knowing where they are by getting organized.

Administrative Skills

Meeting Management

The Meeting Management course will explore how to reduce waste and make meetings more efficient. This is a hands-on course and your participation will help make it a valuable experience. Use this time to begin the process of developing your skills along with other participants who share the same desire to improve their meeting management skills.

Administrative Skills

Executive and Personal Assistants

Our Executive and Personal Assistants course will show your participants what it takes to be a successful assistant. Participants will learn what it takes to effectively manage a schedule, organize a meeting, and even how to be a successful gatekeeper. Being an Executive or Personal Assistant takes a special skill set and this course will provide your participants with the necessary tools.

Administrative Skills

Collaborative Business Writing

The Collaborative Business Writing course will give your participants the knowledge and skills to collaborate with others and create that important document. Your participants will touch on the types of collaboration, and ways to improve them through certain tools and processes. These basic skills will provide your participants with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.

Administrative Skills

Business Writing

The Business Writing course will give your participants a refresher on basic writing concepts (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and an overview of the most common business documents. These basic skills will provide your participants with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.
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