Career Development

Project Management

The Project Management course will give participants an overview of the entire project management process, as well as key project management tools that they can use every day. Working with project planning documents, such as needs assessments, risk management plan, and a communication plan will provide benefits throughout your organization.

Career Development

Personal Branding

With our Personal Branding course your participants will be able to share their vision and passions with others in your company. Utilize this knowledge through Social Media to define and influence how others see you. You are your brand so protect it. Live it.

Career Development

Negotiation Skills

The Negotiation Skills course will give your participants a sense of understanding their opponent and have the confidence to not settle for less than they feel is fair. Your participants will learn that an atmosphere of respect is essential, as uneven negations could lead to problems in the future.

Career Development

mLearning Essentials

With our mLearning course, your participants will begin to see the importance and usefulness of mLearning in any organization. By absorbing the ins and outs of utilizing mLearning, participants will possess the skills needed to take advantage of this new technology, in order to educate employees and clients more efficiently.

Career Development

Leadership Development for Women

The Leadership Development for Women course will provide participants with the tools to navigate challenges, gain confidence to lead, and motivate future generations. Additionally, participants will gain knowledge on the value of networking and mentoring for inspiring others to recognize their full potential as leaders. By empowering women leaders, we are not only creating a more equitable society, but we are also uncovering capabilities that will help to fuel business growth and innovation.

Career Development

Interpersonal Skills

The Interpersonal Skills course will help participants work towards being that unforgettable person by providing communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations. They will also identify the skills needed in starting a conversation, moving a conversation along, and progressing to higher levels of conversation.

Career Development


Let our Entrepreneurship course help you achieve your dreams. Being an entrepreneur can be full of risks. These risks are minimized through drafting a business plan, knowing your competition, and successful marketing. All these and more can be found in our Entrepreneurship course.

Career Development

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship allows us to connect, collaborate, and share by using technology appropriately. In person meetings are on the decline which makes it necessary to engage people digitally. Being a good digital citizen means you have a set of skills to work in the digital world.

Career Development

Developing Creativity

With our Developing Creativity course your participants will learn how to remove barriers that block or limit their creativity. They will improve their imagination, divergent thinking, and mental flexibility. Participants will learn mind mapping, individual brainstorming, and when to recognize and look for what inspires them to be more creative.

Career Development

Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box

The course Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box, will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that will help shape a creative workplace. Creativity plays a big role in building a positive work environment, one in which employees will feel confident in expressing their ideas. Be mindful that there is creativity in all of us. When this creativity emerges, powerful opportunities and advancements will happen.
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